We offer oil and gas operators
around the world a full in-house scope of service for
reservoir formation evaluation NILA GS Permanent Monitoring Systems is a technology enabling company whose focus is to improve their understanding of downhole conditions by providing them with the most reliable wellbore sensing systems.

Distributed Temperature Sensing

Optical fiber technology in a well allows operators to accurately and frequently monitor the temperature of the fluids in the wellbore. The fiber optic cable provides high resolution data at 0.5m intervals along the entire length of the well that be used to detect fluid flows in or near to the wellbore. Permanently installed for well monitoring or temporarily deploy for well surveillance, DTS provides valuable data for leak detection, production optimization and flow allocation.

Our complete service enables the well operator to obtain the result they need, no matter where they are. Using best-in-class fiber optic cables, accessories and surface acquisition units, we have installed systems across a wide range of oilfield applications in the most challenging environments.


Multi-phase hydrocarbon inflow
Water injection allocation
Steam chamber development
Gas lift optimization
Leak detection
Water level detection
Gas desorption rates
Stimulation placement
Chemical treatment placement

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