Our production logging services efficiently and accurately evaluate your well’s performance. You can configure these services for optimal measurement of a wide range of production conditions, including vertical, highly deviated, or horizontal wells. Use them for a variety of well completion types, including openhole (barefoot), cased and perforated, gravel-packed, or slotted-liner configurations
Gamma Ray Tool (GRT)
Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Fluid Density Radioactive (FDR)
Fluid Density Acoustic (FDA)
Spectral Noise Tool (NST)
Capacitance/Temperature/Flow (HTF)
Folding Flowmeter (CSFM)
Continuous Flowmeter (CFJ)
Inline Spinner Flowmeter (ILB)
Quartz Pressure / CCL (QPC)
Fast Response Temperature (RDT)
Gamma Ray Tool (GRT)
Casing Collar Locator (CCL)
Fluid Density Radioactive (FDR)
Fluid Density Acoustic (FDA)
Spectral Noise Tool (NST)
Capacitance/Temperature/Flow (HTF)
Folding Flowmeter (CSFM)
Continuous Flowmeter (CFJ)
Inline Spinner Flowmeter (ILB)
Quartz Pressure / CCL (QPC)
Fast Response Temperature (RDT)
Efficiently and accurately evaluate well performance
Our Solutions
Production logging measurements are often combined with cased hole reservoir evaluation services like pulsed-neutron logging. This combination gives you saturation and production logging data for a complete well performance evaluation. Our equipment performs in conditions ranging from simple single-phase production to complicated annular three-phase flow in a horizontal well completed with a slotted liner.
Why choose NILA GS as your production logging partner?
We have over two decades of oil and gas experience and expertise. We can support you from dedicated facilities in Port-Gentil. Our highly-skilled field engineers can mobilize to your location at the shortest of notice. We deliver comprehensive and high-precision data interpretation through our data analytics partner, ANSA.
In short, we are committed to working in collaboration with operators, and offering innovative and insightful solutions to support safe, cost-effective and efficient production.
Speak to us and find out how our production logging services can help you optimize hydrocarbon recovery.