The global energy landscape is going through major shifts

The global energy landscape is going through major shifts

The global energy transition is inevitable, and the narrative of the energy industry is continuing to evolve. Technologies will change how we procure and use energy. Regulations and consumers are setting the pace. Through this change come new challenges and opportunities for your organization.

Producing hydrocarbons requires energy.

Turbines and diesel generators account for 70% of upstream CO2 emissions. Our diagnostics can help you become more energy efficient and reduce your carbon overhead.

We are to make a net-zero carbon commitment For a Better Environment


Emissions management solutions

NIRview combines a visual video camera with a near infrared photometer designed to measure open path methane concentration within a narrow field-of-view.

A pan & tilt base scans the NIR scope across the pad according to a user defined schedule and user defined spatial resolution.

NIRview reports a 2D methane concentration grid on top of a visual image of the site. NIRview uses that detailed concentration map to estimate the overall site emission rate.

Passive Measurement

NIRview uses the NIR radiation in sunlight to measure the methane concentration around the site in somewhat similar fashion to some methane tracking satellites in operation today. This keeps equipment cost down and allows for open path measurement in any direction.


NIRview employs a spectroscopy-based approach rather than just IR imaging to provide actual open path concentration measurements.

With the ability to canvass your entire wellsite you get continuous daily measurement with source localization.

Continuous and affordable measurement

Methane Emissions Measurement



Low power

Easy installation

Designed for the oilfield

NILA GS Environmental Services

Stop estimating. Start measuring.

Let's Talk Emissions

We take pride in having the expertise to provide all facets of the emissions measurement, quantification and elimination process to allow you to achieve your goals. Send us your inquiry to discuss your environmental compliance and emissions management needs.
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